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As we close out the year and begin to prepare our new beginnings for the new year, let's shed some layers together. We must let go of everything that can't go with us. Join me, January 28, 2023, to retreat away for the day. Indulge in a beautiful yoga practice at a local day spa in Desert Hot Springs, CA. 

Let's (kinda) getaway at the 

Shedding Layers Yoga Day Retreat


"I just need one day away"

said the day to day hustler working back to back

said the mom or day who needs a little me time

said the creative artist stuck in a rut needing clarity

said .... you? 

January 28, 2023 

Desert Hot Springs, California

Located in the spa zone of Desert Hot Springs, a true sanctuary from the moment the gate creaks open you will be greeted with a lush kiss from palms and sprawling greenery. Exceptionally rare for its arid desert location, the landscaping is a shaded oasis surrounded by native plants, with mature fruit trees, manicured herbaceous bushes and full-grown palms seen throughout. 


We'll focus on 

Closing out 2022 with grace

Journaling our reflections

Easing the body with yoga

Clearing the mind with meditation

Opening Solar & Heart Chakras

Breathing deep and free

Aligning 2023 intentions 

Check it out

Move the pictures around to check out the spa

Also, check out the recap video


let's practice

hey yogi, 

meet  jacque

I guide my classes heavily influenced by self-love, self-awareness, breathing practices and mindfulness.

On this retreat, we'll do just that. Personally, sometimes I need to get away to regain my energy, understand my why, to refill my own cup. Once I return, I find there's clarity, alignment, drive and focus. I want that for you too! 

I teach classes with the goal for yogi’s to completely drop into their experience present on the mat, feeling so deeply connected to the benefits, that you find yourself practicing yoga outside the mat. 

the yoga


Slow Hatha Yoga Flow

Combining pranayama breathing practices with bodily movements, the body will be more receptive to release tension with the assistance of the breath. Practicing positive manipulation of the breath helps to regulate emotions and clear the mind.


Destress Yin Yoga

Practicing stillness to ground down into a meditative state for a deep release your body needs . This passive style of yoga has a very low impact on the body, gentle poses are held for 3-5 minutes. 

what are we going to do? 

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Let's getaway at the 

Shedding Layers
Yoga Day Retreat


day retreat - whats included (1).png

your practice, your package

Enhance your get-away experience with add-on packages. If you would like to indulge in a massage or a facial while at the spa, please do poo! 

"Sometimes you just need to go off the grid and get your soul right" 


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