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Let's (kinda) get away at the 

Solid as a Rock Yoga Day Retreat

Fire . Water . Earth . Air

We already have everything we'll ever need within the 4 elements, let's get back to that. Yes, sometimes life has a way of wavering and sends us floating around hoping to land on our feet. We forget how strong our foundation is, how solid and firm our home base is and how deep our roots have grown. Join me on this Day Retreat to connect back to your solid foundation. 

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"I wish I could just feel like myself again "

Have you been feeling disconnected from who you are? 


Do you feel like your schedule has you all over the place? 


Do you need to carve some self-love time for yourself? 

October 21, 2023 

Malibu, California

Bask in the breathtaking views of Malibu California where you'll feel the solid earth beneath your feet as your eyes try to stretch beyond the ocean's view. We will spend the day outdoors on a campground site immersed in nature. 


We'll focus on 

Grounding and connecting to earth


Balancing our flow in the wind


Deep and controlled breathing to endure


Feeling a solid and strong foundation 


Igniting our inner fire within

A day of healing, immersed in yoga

Coconut Trees

Sun Gazing Hatha Yoga


Combining pranayama breathing practices with bodily movements, the body will be more receptive to release tension with the assistance of the breath. Practicing positive manipulation of the breath helps to regulate emotions and clear the mind.

Sunset Horizon

Sunset Yin Yoga 


Practicing stillness to ground down into a meditative breathing state for a deep release your body needs . This passive style of yoga is very low impact on the body, gentle poses are held for 3-5 minutes. 



Guided Meditation and Despachos​


Deeping a mindfullness practice we'll use guided meditation prompts paired with despachos as a visioning tool, which is rooted in indigenous practices from the Andean region. We'll co-create with plant medicine and salt to illustrate our dream seeds coming to fruition while creating aligned actions with your soul's expansion. 

Spiritual Guide - Reina

Healing Queen



let's practice

hey yogi, 

meet  jacque

I guide my classes heavily influenced by self-love, self-awareness, breathing practices and mindfulness.


On this retreat, we'll do just that. Personally, sometimes I need to get away to regain my energy, understand my why and to refill my own cup. Once I return, I find more clarity and alignment with a renewed drive and focus. I want that for you too! 


I teach classes with the goal for yogi’s to completely drop into their experience present on the mat, feeling so deeply connected to the benefits, that you find yourself practicing yoga outside the mat. 

what are we going to do? 

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Get lost (not literally) in the natural element of your choice during free time. The beach and the hiking trails are within walking distance from the retreat site. 






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Lunch is Provided


One thing about me and two things forsure, were going to gather and eat! We will have a healthy and hearty lunch catered in for the day that follows the ahimsa principles of not harming any living beings. Please list your allergies and your dietary lifestyle requirements in the notes of your ticket so I can make sure your covered. 


Check it out

Move the pictures around to check out the retreat


First Time Attendee

I felt deeply connected to God, myself, other participants, and nature. I felt more grounded and focused than I have in months. Plus, I have carried that mindset with me ever since the retreat. It was a great reset. I was also able to address difficult things in my life that I have not yet dealt with and doing so with guidance was so helpful.

"Take time to let the sun warm your face. Feel yourself grounded by what matters and release everything else"

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