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Pregnant belly

Prenatal Yoga Program

Are you creating a baby yogi? 

Dear Mama, you are appreciated! â€‹


I have something special for you. I want to give you the gift of mindfulness and mental wellness while you and your body take on the magical experience of bringing new life to the world. I wish you peace in your mind, wellness within your body, joy in your spirit and strength in your hips! 


1st Trimester

In your first trimester, we'll focus on your rest. In this phase of life, your body is getting adjusted to sharing space with your new baby. Nausea is a cousin who visits often and overstays their welcome and sometimes brings their friend anxiety. We'll work on sending them away with love. YIN YOGA will be our focus to help you relax, clear your mind, comfort the embryo and begin your breathing practices. 


2nd and 3rd Trimester 

Baby is nice and comfy and mommy needs to start preparing for how to keep up with how fast these kids grow up. *drops tear*. In this phase, we'll encourage movement for your body that is changing everyday and make sure your breathing can help you make it up the stairs! HATHA YOGA will be our focus where I'll show you how to use the breath to flow with your movement. We'll still take it nice and slow, opening the hips and the pelvic floor, stretching out the side body, building strength in the legs and deepening our pranayama breathing practice. 


Benefits in Labor and Delivery

  • Strengthen legs and hips 

  • Breathing practices to use in labor 

  • Reduce labor pains 

  • Body familiarity with poses for birthing positions 

  • Mental health mindfulness 


4th Trimester/Postpartum Recovery

​This is where yoga saved my life. I struggled with postpartum depression and yoga was the only thing that brought a light to my dark tunnel. For this, I am forever grateful for this practice and I am here to help you too. Yes, the baby and toddlers are invited to class because they would like to crawl all over you and I'll show you how to be okay with that. We'll strengthen your transverse abdominal muscles and get you moving in your body to reconnect to your body. 


1st Trimester


2nd & 3rd Trimester


4th Trimester

Let’s Work Together

If you would like to start your private prenatal practice, let me know! 

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