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Little Yogi's Plus One

Kids like doing yoga?

Kids LOVE yoga, they love it more than adults do! 


Not only are they entertained in a yoga class, it calms them down as well! The Little Yogi's Program was inspired by my daughter, Marli, who saw me starting my yoga practice at home and always wanted to join me ... for 10 seconds at a time. 


Within the little yogi's class, we play a lot of yoga games, sing yoga songs, play with kids cards and you may even hear a lot of animal noises as we bend into those poses. Just imagine a room full of "Moooo" and "Meooooow" back and forth as we do Cat/Cow! We also practice self regulating breathing games that they will remember to use when life takes their emotions in an uproar. 


This is an interactive class their plus one (parent or adult) will have to participate in with the child. Yoga's overall goal is about connection (to yoke), so in this class we build connections with our kids. Adulto's taking the class won't break a sweat, but they will have to break their sense of control and structure - because .. psst ... the yoga and breathing is for you too! 

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Little Yogi's Plus One

Do you have a mini me that likes to play around while you're trying to practice yoga? Well here's your chance to play with them while they take a yoga class! This will be a fun interactive yoga class for kids where we will play yoga games, practice breathing, twist them in cool poses and end with reading a nice book on yoga and meditation.



1 Adult per 1 Child

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Let’s Work Together

I offer kids yoga sessions for private parties, daycare centers, pre-school, and after school programs. Let's work together! 

Long Beach, California

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Follow @yogiwithjacque on Instagram 

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